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Items 1 - 15 of 95

Craft Knife

£ 0.98 *
Available now!

The Astronomers' Ring

£ 15.95 *
Available now!

The Small Galileo Telescope

£ 3.95 *
Available now!

The Steam Engine

£ 44.95 *
Available now!

The Newton Reflecting Telescope

£ 28.90 *
Available now!

Solar Filter for the Newton Telescope

£ 5.90 *
Available now!

The Desktop Planetarium

£ 32.95 *
Available now!

The Stirling Engine

£ 24.95 *
Available now!

The Nitinol Engine

£ 33.75 *
Short supply

The Copernican Orrery

£ 54.45 *
Available now!

The Large Fitzroy Storm Glass

£ 29.95 *
Available now!

The Historic Galileo Telescope

£ 15.95 *
Currently not available!

The Steam Gyro

£ 6.65 *
Available now!

The Wimshurst Machine

£ 49.95 *
Available now!

The Dancing Disc

£ 39.95 *
Available now!